§ 90‑12.2A. Specialpurpose license.
(a) The Board may issuea special purpose license to practice medicine to an applicant who:
(1) Holds a full andunrestricted license to practice in at least one other jurisdiction; and
(2) Does not have anycurrent or pending disciplinary or other action against him or her by anymedical licensing agency in any state or other jurisdiction.
(b) The holder of thespecial purpose license practicing medicine or surgery beyond the limitationsof the license shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and, upon conviction,shall be fined not less than twenty‑five dollars ($25.00) nor more thanfifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense. The Board, at its discretion, mayrevoke the special license after due notice is given to the holder of thespecial purpose license.
(c) The Board may adoptrules and set fees as appropriate to implement the provisions of this section. (2007‑418, s. 6.)