Article 8.
§ 90‑139. Creation and membership of Board ofExaminers.
(a) The State Board of Chiropractic Examiners is created toconsist of eight members appointed by the Governor and General Assembly. Six ofthe members shall be practicing doctors of chiropractic, who are residents ofthis State and who have actively practiced chiropractic in the State for atleast eight consecutive years immediately preceding their appointments; four ofthese six members shall be appointed by the Governor, and two by the GeneralAssembly in accordance with G.S. 120‑121, one each upon therecommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker ofthe House of Representatives. No more than three members of the Board may begraduates of the same college or school of chiropractic. The other two membersshall be persons chosen by the Governor to represent the public at large. Thepublic members shall not be health care providers nor the spouses of healthcare providers. For purposes of Board membership, "health careprovider" means any licensed health care professional and any agent oremployee of any health care institution, health care insurer, health careprofessional school, or a member of any allied health profession. For purposes ofthis section, a person enrolled in a program to prepare him to be a licensedhealth care professional or an allied health professional shall be deemed ahealth care provider. For purposes of this section, any person with significantfinancial interest in a health service or profession is not a public member.
(b) All Board members serving on June 30, 1981, shall beeligible to complete their respective terms. No member appointed to the Boardon or after July 1, 1981, shall serve more than two complete consecutive terms,except that each member shall serve until his successor is chosen andqualifies. The initial appointment of the General Assembly upon therecommendation of the President of the Senate shall be for a term to expireJune 30, 1986, and the initial appointment of the General Assembly upon therecommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall be for aterm to expire June 30, 1985, subsequent appointments upon the recommendationof the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall be for terms of three years,subsequent appointments upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives shall be for terms of two years.
(c) The Governor and General Assembly, respectively, may removeany member appointed by them for good cause shown. In addition, upon therequest of the Speaker of the House of Representatives or the President ProTempore of the Senate concerning a person appointed by the General Assemblyupon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives or the PresidentPro Tempore of the Senate, respectively, the Governor may remove such appointeefor good cause shown, if the request is made and removal occurs either (i) whenthe General Assembly has adjourned to a date certain, which date is more than10 days after the date of adjournment, or (ii) after sine die adjournment ofthe regular session. The Governor may appoint persons to fill vacancies ofpersons appointed by him to fill unexpired terms. Vacancies in appointmentsmade by the General Assembly shall be in accordance with G.S. 120‑122. (1917, c. 73, s. 1; C.S., s. 6710; 1979, c. 108, s. 1; 1981, c. 766, s.1; 1983, c. 717, ss. 100‑104; 1995, c. 490, s. 11; 1999‑405, s. 3;1999‑431, s. 3.9; 2000‑181, s. 2.7(a); 2005‑421, s. 2.7(b).)