§ 90‑14.8. Appeal fromBoard's decision taking disciplinary action on a license.
(a) A licensee againstwhom the Board imposes any public disciplinary sanction, as authorized underG.S. 90‑14(a), may appeal such action.
(b) A licensee againstwhom any public disciplinary sanction is imposed by the Board may obtain areview of the decision of the Board in the Superior Court of Wake County, orthe county in which the licensee resides, upon filing with the secretary of theBoard a written notice of appeal within 30 days after the date of the serviceof the decision of the Board, stating all exceptions taken to the decision ofthe Board and indicating the court in which the appeal is to be heard. Thecourt shall schedule and hear the case within six months of the filing of theappeal.
(c) Within 30 daysafter the receipt of a notice of appeal as herein provided, the Board shallprepare, certify and file with the clerk of the Superior Court in the countywhere the notice of appeal has been filed the record of the case comprising acopy of the charges, notice of hearing, transcript of testimony, and copies ofdocuments or other written evidence produced at the hearing, decision of theBoard, and notice of appeal containing exceptions to the decision of the Board. (1953, c. 1248,s. 3; 1981, c. 573, s. 12; 2007‑346, s. 20; 2009‑558, s. 5.)