§ 90‑171.36. Inactive list.
(a) When a licensee submits a request for inactive status, theBoard shall issue to the licensee a statement of inactive status and shallplace the licensee's name on the inactive list. While on the inactive list, theperson shall not be subjected to renewal requirements and shall not practicenursing in North Carolina.
(b) When such person desires to be removed from the inactivelist and returned to the active list within five years of being placed oninactive status, an application shall be submitted to the Board on a formfurnished by the Board and the fee shall be paid for license renewal. TheBoard shall require evidence of competency to resume the practice of nursingbefore returning the applicant to active status. If the person has been on theinactive list for more than five years, the applicant must satisfactorilycomplete a refresher course approved by the Board or provide proof of activelicensure within the past five years in another jurisdiction. (1981, c. 360, s. 1; 1993, c. 198, s. 8.)