§ 90‑187. Application for license; qualifications.
(a) Any person desiring a license to practice veterinarymedicine in this State shall make written application to the Board.
(b) The application shall show that the applicant is a graduateof an accredited veterinary school, a person of good moral character, and suchother information and proof as the Board may require by rule. The Board mayreceive applications from senior students at accredited veterinary schools butan application is not complete until the applicant furnishes proof ofgraduation and such other information required by this Article and Boardrules. The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount establishedand published by the Board.
(c) An application from a graduate of a nonaccredited college ofveterinary medicine outside the United States and Canada may not be consideredby the Board until the applicant furnishes satisfactory proof of graduationfrom a college of veterinary medicine and of successful completion of the certificationprogram developed and administered by the Educational Commission for ForeignVeterinary Graduates of the American Veterinary Medical Association, whichcertification program shall include examinations with respect to clinicalproficiency and comprehension of and ability to communicate in the Englishlanguage.
(d) If the Board determines that the applicant possesses theproper qualifications, it may admit the applicant to the next examination, orif the applicant is eligible for a license without examination under G.S. 90‑187.3;the Board may grant the applicant a license. (1903, c. 503, ss. 3, 5, 8; Rev., s. 5435; C.S., s. 6758; 1951, c. 749;1961, c. 353, s. 5; 1973, c. 1106, s. 1; 1981, c. 767, ss. 5, 6; 1993, c. 500,s. 9.)