§ 90‑187.14. Veterinary faculty certificatesand zoo veterinary certificates.
(a) The Board may, upon application, issue veterinary facultycertificates in lieu of a license that otherwise would be required by thisArticle.
(b) The Board may, upon application, issue zoo veterinarycertificates in lieu of a license that otherwise would be required by thisArticle, to veterinarians employed by the North Carolina State Zoo.
(c) The Board shall determine by administrative rule theapplication procedure, fees, criteria for the issuance, continuing education,renewal, suspension or revocation, and the scope of practice under theveterinary faculty certificate or the zoo veterinary certificate. There shallbe an annual renewal of each certificate and all persons holding thesecertificates shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Board in all respectsunder this Article. (1993, c. 500, s.18.)