§ 90‑18.2. Limitations on nurse practitioners.
(a) Any nurse approved under the provisions of G.S. 90‑18(14)to perform medical acts, tasks or functions may use the title "nursepractitioner." Any other person who uses the title in any form or holdsout to be a nurse practitioner or to be so approved, shall be deemed to be inviolation of this Article.
(b) Nurse practitioners are authorized to write prescriptionsfor drugs under the following conditions:
(1) The North Carolina Medical Board and Board of Nursing haveadopted regulations developed by a joint subcommittee governing the approval ofindividual nurse practitioners to write prescriptions with such limitations asthe boards may determine to be in the best interest of patient health andsafety;
(2) The nurse practitioner has current approval from the boards;
(3) The North Carolina Medical Board has assigned anidentification number to the nurse practitioner which is shown on the writtenprescription; and
(4) The supervising physician has provided to the nursepractitioner written instructions about indications and contraindications forprescribing drugs and a written policy for periodic review by the physician ofthe drugs prescribed.
(c) Nurse practitioners are authorized to compound and dispensedrugs under the following conditions:
(1) The function is performed under the supervision of alicensed pharmacist; and
(2) Rules and regulations of the North Carolina Board ofPharmacy governing this function are complied with.
(d) Nurse practitioners are authorized to order medications,tests and treatments in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other healthfacilities under the following conditions:
(1) The North Carolina Medical Board and Board of Nursing haveadopted regulations developed by a joint subcommittee governing the approval ofindividual nurse practitioners to order medications, tests and treatments withsuch limitations as the boards may determine to be in the best interest ofpatient health and safety;
(2) The nurse practitioner has current approval from the boards;
(3) The supervising physician has provided to the nursepractitioner written instructions about ordering medications, tests andtreatments, and when appropriate, specific oral or written instructions for anindividual patient, with provision for review by the physician of the orderwithin a reasonable time, as determined by the Board, after the medication,test or treatment is ordered; and
(4) The hospital or other health facility has adopted a writtenpolicy, approved by the medical staff after consultation with the nursingadministration, about ordering medications, tests and treatments, includingprocedures for verification of the nurse practitioners' orders by nurses andother facility employees and such other procedures as are in the interest ofpatient health and safety.
(e) Any prescription written by a nurse practitioner or ordergiven by a nurse practitioner for medications, tests or treatments shall bedeemed to have been authorized by the physician approved by the boards as thesupervisor of the nurse practitioner and such supervising physician shall beresponsible for authorizing such prescription or order.
(f) Any registered nurse or licensed practical nurse whoreceives an order from a nurse practitioner for medications, tests ortreatments is authorized to perform that order in the same manner as if it werereceived from a licensed physician. (1977, 2nd Sess., c. 1194, s. 2; 1995, c. 94, s. 21.)