§ 90‑18.5. Limitationson anesthesiologist assistants.
(a) Any person who islicensed to provide anesthesia services as an assistant to an anesthesiologistlicensed under Article 1 of this Chapter may use the title"anesthesiologist assistant." Any other person who uses the title inany form or holds himself or herself out to be an anesthesiologist assistant orto be so licensed without first obtaining a license shall be deemed inviolation of this Article. A student in any anesthesiologist assistant trainingprogram shall be identified as a "student anesthesiologist assistant"or an "anesthesiologist assistant student," but under nocircumstances shall the student use or permit to be used on the student'sbehalf the terms "intern," "resident," or"fellow."
(b) Anesthesiologistassistants are authorized to provide anesthesia services under the supervisionof an anesthesiologist licensed under Article 1 of this Chapter under thefollowing conditions:
(1) The North CarolinaMedical Board has adopted rules governing the provision of anesthesia servicesby an anesthesiologist assistant consistent with the requirements of subsection(c) of this section.
(2) The anesthesiologistassistant holds a current license issued by the Board or is a studentanesthesiologist assistant participating in a training program leading tocertification by the National Commission for Certification of AnesthesiologistAssistants and licensure as an anesthesiologist assistant under G.S. 90‑9.4.
(c) The North CarolinaMedical Board shall adopt rules to implement this section that includerequirements and limitations on the provision of anesthesia services by ananesthesiologist assistant as determined by the Board to be in the bestinterests of patient health and safety. Rules adopted by the Board pursuant tothis section shall include the following requirements:
(1) That ananesthesiologist assistant be supervised by an anesthesiologist licensed underthis Article who is actively engaged in clinical practice and immediatelyavailable on‑site to provide assistance to the anesthesiologistassistant.
(2) That ananesthesiologist may supervise no more than two anesthesiologist assistants orstudent anesthesiologist assistants at one time. The limitation on the numberof anesthesiologist assistants and student anesthesiologist assistants that ananesthesiologist may supervise in no way restricts the number of otherqualified anesthesia providers an anesthesiologist may concurrently supervise.After January 1, 2010, the Board may allow an anesthesiologist to supervise upto four licensed anesthesiologist assistants concurrently and may revise thesupervision limitations of student anesthesiologist assistants such that thesupervision requirements for student anesthesiologist assistants are similar tothe supervision requirements for student nurse anesthetists.
(3) Thatanesthesiologist assistants comply with all continuing education requirementsand recertification requirements of the National Commission for Certificationof Anesthesiologist Assistants or its successor organization.
(d) Nothing in thissection shall limit or expand the scope of practice of physician assistantsunder existing law. (2007‑146, s. 4; 2008‑187, s. 14.)