§ 90‑18.6. Requirementsfor certain nicotine replacement therapy programs.
The Health and Wellness TrustFund ("Trust Fund") or the Department of Health and Human Services("Department") may contract for the operation of a tobacco‑usecessation program through which the Trust Fund or the Department, asapplicable, may engage agents or contractors for the purpose of (i)recommending to individuals over‑the‑counter nicotine replacementtherapy products and supplying the products free of charge to the individualand (ii) discussing with the individual contraindications and all other aspectsof over‑the‑counter nicotine replacement therapy. All medicalaspects of the nicotine replacement therapy programs shall be supervised by aphysician who is licensed under this Article to practice medicine and who isunder contract to or employed by the Trust Fund or the Department, asapplicable, for the purpose of supervising nicotine replacement therapyprograms. The physician under contract with or employed by the Trust Fund orthe Department, as applicable, shall be responsible for supervision of allagents or contractors of nicotine replacement therapy programs that providenicotine replacement therapy services to members of the public. The Trust Fundor the Department, as contracting entity, shall report the name of thesupervising physician to the North Carolina Medical Board. (2008‑107, s. 10.4B.)