§ 90‑202.11. Continuing education courses required.
Beginning May 1, 1976, all registered podiatrists then or thereafterlicensed in the State of North Carolina shall be required to take annualcourses of study in subjects relating to the practice of the profession ofpodiatry to the end that the utilization and application of new techniques,scientific and clinical advances, and the achievements of research will assureexpansive and comprehensive care to the public. The length of study shall beprescribed by the Board but shall not exceed 25 hours in any calendar year.Attendance must be at a course or courses approved by the Board. Attendance atany course or courses of study are to be certified to the Board upon a formprovided by the Board and shall be submitted by each registered podiatrist atthe time he makes application to the Board for the renewal of his license andpayment of his renewal fee. The Board is authorized to treat funds set asidefor the purpose of continuing education as State funds for the purpose ofaccepting any funds made available under federal law on a matching basis forthe promulgation and maintenance of programs of continuing education. Thisrequirement may be waived by the Board in cases of certified illness or unduehardship as provided in the rules and regulations of the Board. (1975, c. 672, s. 1.)