§ 90‑210.83. Assessments against associations.
In order to meet the expenses of the supervision of the burialassociations, the Board of Funeral Service shall prepare an annual budget forthe office of the Board of Funeral Service. Thereafter, the Board of FuneralService shall assess each burial association one hundred dollars ($100.00) andshall prorate the remaining amount of this budget, over and above any otherfunds made available to it for this purpose, and assess each association on apro rata basis in accordance with the number of members of each association.Each burial association shall remit to the Board of Funeral Service its prorata part of the total assessment, which expense shall be included in thethirty per centum (30%) expense allowance as provided in G.S. 90‑210.81.This assessment shall be made on the first day of July of each and every yearand said assessment shall be paid within 30 days thereafter. If any associationshall fail or refuse to pay such assessment within 30 days, the Board ofFuneral Service is authorized to transfer all memberships and assets of everykind and description to the nearest association that is found by the Board ofFuneral Service to be in good sound financial condition. (1941, c. 130, s. 6; 1943, c. 272, s. 3; 1945, c. 125, s. 3; 1947, c.100, s. 3; 1949, c. 201, s. 4; 1951, c. 901, s. 1; 1955, c. 259, ss. 1, 2;1967, c. 985, s. 1; 1969, c. 1006, s. 2; 1973, c. 1476, s. 1; 1975, c. 837;1977, c. 748, s. 3; 1981, c. 989, s. 6; 1983, c. 717, s. 12; 1987, c. 864, ss.12, 14; 1997‑313, ss. 5, 6, 7; 2003‑420, ss. 16, 17(b).)