§ 90‑21.65. Writtendecision by arbitration.
(a) Issuing theDecision. The arbitrator shall issue a decision in writing and signed by thearbitrator within 14 days after the completion of the arbitration hearing andshall promptly deliver a copy of the decision to each party or the party'sattorneys.
(b) Limit on Damages. The arbitrator shall not make an award of damages that exceeds a total of onemillion dollars ($1,000,000) for any dispute submitted to arbitration underthis Article, regardless of the number of claimants or defendants that areparties to the dispute.
(c) Finding if DamagesAwarded. If the arbitrator makes an award of damages to the claimant, thearbitrator shall make a finding as to whether the injury or death was caused bythe negligence of the defendant.
(d) Paying theArbitrator. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be paid equally bythe parties.
(e) Attorneys' Fees andCosts. Each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs. (2007‑541, s. 1.)