§ 90‑235. Definition.
Within the meaning of the provisions of this Article, the term"dispensing optician" defines one who prepares and dispenses lenses,spectacles, eyeglasses and/or appurtenances thereto to the intended wearersthereof on written prescriptions from physicians or optometrists duly licensedto practice their professions, and in accordance with such prescriptionsinterprets, measures, adapts, fits and adjusts such lenses, spectacles,eyeglasses and/or appurtenances thereto to the human face for the aid orcorrection of visual or ocular anomalies of the human eye. The services andappliances related to ophthalmic dispensing shall be dispensed, furnished orsupplied to the intended wearer or user thereof only upon prescription issuedby a physician or an optometrist; but duplications, replacements, reproductionsor repetitions may be done without prescription, in which event any such actshall be construed to be ophthalmic dispensing, the same as if performed on thebasis of a written prescription. (1951, c. 1089, s. 2.)