§ 90‑252. Engagingin practice without license.
Anyperson, firm or corporation owning, managing or conducting a store, shop orplace of business and not having in its employ and on duty, during all hours inwhich acts constituting the business of opticianry are carried on, a licenseddispensing optician engaged in supervision of such store, office, place ofbusiness or optical establishment, or representing to the public, by means ofadvertisement or otherwise or by using the words, "optician, licensed optician,optical establishment, optical office, ophthalmic dispenser," or anycombination of such terms within or without such store representing that thesame is a legally established optical place of business duly licensed as suchand managed or conducted by persons holding a dispensing optician's license,when in fact such permit is not held by such person, firm or corporation, or bysome person employed by such person, firm or corporation and on the premisesand in charge of such optical business, shall be guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor. (1951, c. 1089, s.19; 1981, c. 600, s. 17; 1993, c. 539, s. 644; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s.14(c).)