§ 90‑270.11. Licensure; examination; foreign graduates.
(a) Licensed Psychologist. The Board shall issue a permanentlicense to practice psychology to any applicant who pays an application fee andany applicable examination fee as specified in G.S. 90‑270.18(b), whopasses an examination in psychology as prescribed by the Board, and who submitsevidence verified by oath and satisfactory to the Board that he or she:
(1) Is at least 18 years of age;
(2) Is of good moral character;
(3) Has received a doctoral degree based on a planned anddirected program of studies in psychology from an institution of highereducation. The degree program, wherever administratively housed, must bepublicly identified and clearly labeled as a psychology program. The Board shalladopt rules implementing and defining these provisions, including, but notlimited to, such factors as residence in the educational program, internshipand related field experiences, number of course credits, course content,numbers and qualifications of faculty, and program identification and identity.
(4) Has had at least two years of acceptable and appropriatesupervised experience germane to his or her training and intended area ofpractice as a psychologist as specified in G.S. 90‑270.5(d).
(b) Licensed Psychological Associate.
(1) The Board shall issue a permanent license to practicepsychology to any applicant who pays an application fee and any applicableexamination fee as specified in G.S. 90‑270.18(b), who passes anexamination in psychology as prescribed by the Board, and who submits evidenceverified by oath and satisfactory to the Board that he or she:
a. Is at least 18 years of age;
b. Is of good moral character;
c. Has received a master's degree in psychology or a specialistdegree in psychology from an institution of higher education. The degreeprogram, wherever administratively housed, must be publicly identified andclearly labeled as a psychology program. The Board shall adopt rulesimplementing and defining these provisions, including, but not limited to, suchfactors as residence in the program, internship and related field experiences,number of course credits, course content, numbers and qualifications offaculty, and program identification and identity.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, alicensed psychologist applicant who has met all requirements for licensureexcept passing the examination at the licensed psychologist level, may beissued a license as a licensed psychological associate without having a master'sdegree or specialist degree in psychology if the applicant passes theexamination at the licensed psychological associate level.
(c) Foreign Graduates. Applicants trained in institutionsoutside the United States, applying for licensure at either the licensedpsychologist or licensed psychological associate level, must show satisfactoryevidence of training and degrees substantially equivalent to those required ofapplicants trained within the United States, pursuant to Board rules andregulations.
(d) Prior Licensure. A person who is licensed in good standingas a licensed practicing psychologist or psychological associate under theprovisions of the Practicing Psychologist Licensing Act in effect immediatelyprior to the ratification of this Psychology Practice Act shall be deemed, asof October 1, 1993 to have met all requirements for licensure under this actand shall be eligible for renewal of licensure in accordance with theprovisions of this act. (1967, c. 910, s. 11; 1971, c. 889, ss. 2, 3; 1975, c. 675, ss. 1, 2;1977, c. 670, s. 7; 1979, c. 670, ss. 5, 6; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1176; 1981, c.738, ss. 1, 2; 1983, c. 37, ss. 1, 2; c. 82, s. 4; 1985, c. 734, s. 7; 1987, c.326, ss. 1, 2; c. 500, s. 1; 1989, c. 554; 1993, c. 375, s. 1; 1995, c. 509, s.45.)