§ 90‑270.13. Licensureof psychologists licensed or certified in other jurisdictions; licensure ofdiplomates of the American Board of Professional Psychology; reciprocity.
(a) Upon applicationand payment of the required fee, the Board shall grant permanent licensure atthe appropriate level to any person who, at the time of application meets allof the following requirements:
(1) Is licensed orcertified as a psychologist by a similar psychology licensing board in anotherjurisdiction.
(2) The license orcertification is in good standing.
(3) Is a graduate of aninstitution of higher education.
(4) Who passes anexamination prescribed by the Board.
(5) Meets the definitionof a senior psychologist as that term is defined by the rules of the Board.
(a1) Upon application andpayment of the required fee, the Board shall grant permanent licensure at theappropriate level to any person who, at the time of application, meets all ofthe following requirements:
(1) Is licensed orcertified as a psychologist by a similar psychology licensing board in anotherjurisdiction.
(2) The license orcertification is in good standing.
(3) Possesses a doctoraldegree in psychology from an institution of higher education.
(4) Passes anexamination prescribed by the Board.
(5) Has no unresolvedcomplaints in any jurisdiction at the time of application in this State.
(6) Holds a currentcredential for psychology licensure mobility, as defined in rules adopted bythe Board.
(b) The Board mayestablish formal written agreements of reciprocity with the psychology boardsof other jurisdictions if the Board determines that the standards of the boardsof the other jurisdictions are substantially equivalent to or greater thanthose required by this Article.
(c) The Board shallgrant health services provider certification to any person licensed under theprovisions of subsections (a) and (b) above when it determines that theapplicant's training and experience are substantially equivalent to or greaterthan that specified in G.S. 90‑270.20.
(d) Upon applicationand payment of the requisite fee, the Board shall waive the requirement of thenational written examination to any person who is a diplomate in good standingof the American Board of Professional Psychology.
(e) The Board shalladopt rules implementing and defining these provisions, and, with respect tothe senior psychologist, shall adopt rules including, but not limited to, suchfactors as educational background, professional experience, length and statusof licensure, ethical conduct, and examination required.
(f) The Board may denylicensure to any person otherwise eligible for permanent licensure under thissection upon documentation of conduct specified in G.S. 90‑270.15. (1967, c. 910, s. 13; 1993,c. 375, s. 1; 2007‑468, ss. 4‑6.)