§ 90‑270.18. Disposition and schedule of fees.
(a) Except for fees paid directly to the vendor as provided insubdivision (b)(2) of this section, all fees derived from the operation of thisArticle shall be deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of arevolving fund for the use of the Board in carrying out its functions. All feesderived from the operation of this Article shall be nonrefundable.
(b) Fees for activities specified by this Article are asfollows:
(1) Application fees for licensed psychologists and licensedpsychological associates per G.S. 90‑270.11(a) and (b)(1), or G.S. 90‑270.13,shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(2) Fees for the national written examination shall be the costof the examination as set by the vendor plus an additional fee not to exceedfifty dollars ($50.00). The Board may require applicants to pay the feedirectly to the vendor.
(3) Fees for additional examinations shall be as prescribed bythe Board.
(4) Fees for the renewal of licenses, per G.S. 90‑270.14(a)(1),shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per biennium. This fee maynot be prorated.
(5) Late fees for license renewal, per G.S. 90‑270.14(a)(1),shall be twenty‑five dollars ($25.00).
(6) Fees for the reinstatement of a license, per G.S. 90‑270.15(f),shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(7) Fees for a duplicate license, per G.S. 90‑270.14(b),shall be twenty‑five dollars ($25.00).
(8) Fees for a temporary license, per G.S. 90‑270.5(f) and90‑270.5(g), shall be thirty‑five dollars ($35.00).
(9) Application fees for a health services provider certificate,per G.S. 90‑270.20, shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
(c) The Board may specify reasonable charges for duplicationservices, materials, and returned bank items in its rules. (1967, c. 910, s. 19; 1993, c. 257, s. 5; c. 375, s. 1; 2003‑368,s. 4.)