§ 90‑270.25. Boardof Examiners.
The North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners is herebycreated. The Board shall consist of eight members, including one medical doctorlicensed and residing in North Carolina, four physical therapists, two physicaltherapist assistants, and one public member. The public member shall beappointed by the Governor and shall be a person who is not licensed underChapter 90 who shall represent the interest of the public at large. The medicaldoctor, physical therapists, and physical therapists assistants shall beappointed by the Governor from a list compiled by the North Carolina PhysicalTherapy Association, Inc., following the use of a nomination procedure madeavailable to all physical therapists and physical therapist assistants licensedand residing in North Carolina. In soliciting nominations and compiling itslist, the Association will give consideration to geographic distribution,practice setting (institution, independent, academic, etc.), and other factorsthat will promote representation of all aspects of physical therapy practice onthe Board. The records of the operation of the nomination procedure shall befiled with the Board, to be available for a period of six months followingnomination, for reasonable inspection by any licensed practitioner. Eachphysical therapist member of the Board shall be licensed and reside in thisState; provided that the physical therapist shall have not less than threeyears' experience as a physical therapist immediately preceding appointment andshall be actively engaged in the practice of physical therapy in North Carolinaduring incumbency. Each physical therapist assistant member shall be licensedand reside in this State; provided that the physical therapist assistant shallhave not less than three years' experience as a physical therapist assistantimmediately preceding appointment and shall be actively engaged in practice asa physical therapist assistant in North Carolina during incumbency.
Members shall be appointed to serve three‑year terms, or untiltheir successors are appointed, to commence on January 1 in respective years.In the event that a member of the Board for any reason shall become ineligibleto or cannot complete a term of office, another appointment shall be made bythe Governor, in accordance with the procedure stated above, to fill theremainder of the term. No member may serve for more than two successive three‑yearterms.
The Board each year shall designate one of its physical therapistmembers as chairman and one member as secretary‑treasurer. Each member ofthe Board shall receive such per diem compensation and reimbursement for traveland subsistence as shall be set for licensing boards generally. (1951, c. 1131, s. 2; 1969, c. 445, s. 7; c. 556; 1979,c. 487; 1981, c. 765, s. 1; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1191, s. 82; 1985, c.701, s. 1.)