§ 90‑270.3. Practice of medicine and optometry not permitted.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed as permitting licensedpsychologists or licensed psychological associates to engage in any manner inall or any of the parts of the practice of medicine or optometry licensed underArticles 1 and 6 of Chapter 90 of the General Statutes, including, amongothers, the diagnosis and correction of visual and muscular anomalies of thehuman eyes and visual apparatus, eye exercises, orthoptics, vision training,visual training and developmental vision. A licensed psychologist or licensedpsychological associate shall assist his or her client or patient in obtainingprofessional help for all aspects of the client's or patient's problems thatfall outside the boundaries of the psychologist's own competence, includingprovision for the diagnosis and treatment of relevant medical or optometricproblems. (1967, c. 910, s.3; 1977, c. 670, s. 2; 1979, c. 670, s. 2; 1993, c. 375, s. 1.)