§ 90‑270.47. Definitions.
As used in this Article,unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
(1) Renumbered.
(2) "Board"means the North Carolina Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Board.
(2a) "Clinicalexperience" means face‑to‑face therapy between a therapist anda client, whether individuals, couples, families, or groups, conducted from alarger systems perspective that relates to client treatment plans, is goal‑directed,and assists the client in affecting change in cognition and behavior andeffect.
(2b) "Largersystems" means any individual or group that is a part of the client'senvironment and that potentially impacts the client's functioning or well‑beingand potentially can assist in the development and implementation of a treatmentplan.
(3) "Licensedmarriage and family therapist" means a person to whom a license has beenissued pursuant to this Article, if the license is in force and not suspendedor revoked.
(3a) "Licensedmarriage and family therapy associate" means an individual to whom alicense has been issued pursuant to this Article whose license is in force andnot suspended or revoked and whose license permits the individual to engage inthe practice of marriage and family therapy under the supervision of anAmerican Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) approvedsupervisor in accordance with rules adopted by the Board.
(3b) "Marriage andfamily therapy" is the clinical practice, within the context ofindividual, couple, and marriage and family systems, of the diagnosis andtreatment of psychosocial aspects of mental and emotional disorders. Marriageand family therapy involves the professional application of psychotherapeuticand family systems theories and techniques in the delivery of services tofamilies, couples, and individuals for the purpose of treating these diagnosedmental and emotional disorders. Marriage and family therapy includes referralsto and collaboration with health care and other professionals when appropriate.
(4) "Practice ofmarriage and family therapy" means the rendering of professional marriageand family therapy services to individuals, couples, or families, singly or ingroups, whether the services are offered directly to the general public orthrough organizations, either public or private, for a fee, monetary orotherwise.
(5) "Recognizededucational institution" means any university, college, professionalschool, or other institution of higher learning that:
a. In the UnitedStates, is regionally accredited by bodies approved by the Commission onRecognition of Postsecondary Accreditation or its successor.
b. In Canada, holds amembership in the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.
c. In another country,is accredited by the comparable official organization having this authority andis recognized by the Board.
(6) "Relateddegree" means:
a. Master's or doctoraldegree in clinical social work;
b. Master's or doctoraldegree in psychiatric nursing;
c. Master's or doctoraldegree in counseling or clinical or counseling psychology;
d. Doctor of medicineor doctor of osteopathy degree with an appropriate residency training inpsychiatry; or
e. Master's or doctoraldegree in any mental health field the course of study of which is equivalent tothe master's degree in marriage and family therapy. (1979, c. 697, s. 1; 1985,c. 223, s. 1; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 564, s. 2; 2009‑393, s. 1.)