§ 90‑270.78. Falserepresentation of license prohibited.
(a) It is unlawful forany person who is not licensed in accordance with this Article or whose licensehas been suspended, revoked or not renewed by the Board to:
(1) Engage in thepractice of occupational therapy.
(2) Orally, in writing,in print or by sign, or in any other manner, directly or by implication,represent that he or she is engaging in occupational therapy.
(3) Use in connectionwith his or her name or place of business the words "occupationaltherapist" or "occupational therapy assistant", or the letters"O.T.", "O.T./L.", "O.T.A.", or"O.T.A./L.", or any other words, letters, abbreviations or insigniaindicating or implying that the person is an occupational therapist, oroccupational therapy assistant.
(b) Any person whoresides in another state or foreign country and who, by use of electronic orother medium, performs any of the acts described as the practice ofoccupational therapy pursuant to this Article, but is not licensed pursuant tothis Article, shall be regarded as practicing occupational therapy without aNorth Carolina license and is subject to the provisions of this Article andappropriate regulation by the Board. (1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 1073, s. 1; 2005‑432,s. 13; 2008‑187, s. 40(c); 2009‑570, s. 11.)