Article 19.
Sterilization Operations.
§ 90‑271. Operation lawful upon request ofmarried person or person over 18.
It shall be lawful for any physician or surgeon licensed by this Statewhen so requested by any person 18 years of age or over, or less than 18 yearsof age if legally married, to perform upon such person a surgical interruptionof vas deferens or Fallopian tubes, as the case may be, provided a request inwriting is made by such person prior to the performance of such surgicaloperation, and provided, further, that prior to or at the time of such requesta full and reasonable medical explanation is given by such physician or surgeonto such person as to the meaning and consequences of such operation; andprovided, further, that the surgical interruption of Fallopian tubes isperformed in a hospital or ambulatory surgical facility licensed by theDepartment of Health and Human Services. (1963, c. 600; 1965, cc. 108, 941; 1971, c. 1231, s. 1; 1973, c. 476,s. 152; c. 998, s. 1; 1977, c. 7; 1979, c. 728; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a).)