§ 90‑280. Fees;display of license; duplicate license; inactive list.
(a) Each applicant for an examination administered by the Boardand each applicant for an administrator‑in‑training program shallpay a processing fee set by the Board not to exceed one hundred dollars($100.00) plus the actual cost of the exam.
(b) Each person licensed as a nursing home administrator shallbe required to pay a license fee in an amount set by the Board not to exceedfive hundred dollars ($500.00). A license shall expire on the thirtieth day ofSeptember of the second year following its issuance and shall be renewablebiennially upon payment of a renewal fee set by the Board not to exceed fivehundred dollars ($500.00).
(c) Each person licensed as a nursing home administrator shalldisplay his license certificate, along with the current certificate of renewal,in a conspicuous place in his place of employment.
(d) Any person licensed as a nursing home administrator mayreceive a duplicate license by payment of a fee set by the Board not to exceedtwenty‑five dollars ($25.00).
(e) Any person licensed as a nursing home administrator who isnot acting, serving, or holding himself out to be a nursing home administratormay have his name placed on an inactive list for such period of time not toexceed four years upon payment of a fee set by the Board not to exceed fiftydollars ($50.00) per year. Each year during that four‑year period, uponrequest and payment of the fee, the person's name may remain on an inactivelist for one additional year.
(f) Any person having a temporary license issued pursuant toG.S. 90‑278(3) shall pay a fee in an amount set by the Board not toexceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). If the Board renews the temporarylicense, no further fee shall be required.
(g) The Board may set fees not to exceed two hundred and fiftydollars ($250.00) for conducting and administering initial training andcontinuing education courses, and may set a fee not to exceed one hundreddollars ($100.00) for certifying a course submitted for review by anotherindividual or agency wishing to offer such courses or may set an annual fee notto exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for certifying a course provider inlieu of certifying each course offered by the provider. (1969, c. 843, s. 1; 1977, c. 652; 1979, 2nd Sess., c.1282; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1234, s. 4; 1983, c. 215; 1995 (Reg. Sess.,1996), c. 645, s. 1; 1999‑217, s. 1.)