§ 90‑285. Functions and duties of the Board.
The Board shall meet at least once annually in Raleigh or any otherlocation designated by the chairman and shall have the following functions andduties:
(1) Develop, impose and enforce rules and regulations settingout standards which must be met by individuals in order to receive and hold alicense as a nursing home administrator, which standards shall be designed toinsure that nursing home administrators shall be individuals who are of goodcharacter and who are otherwise suitable, by education, training and experiencein the field of institutional administration, to serve as nursing homeadministrators.
(2) Develop and apply appropriate methods and procedures,including examination and investigations, for determining whether individualsmeet such standards, and administer an examination at least twice each year atsuch times and places as the Board shall designate.
(3) Issue licenses to qualified individuals.
(4) Establish and implement procedures designed to insure thatindividuals licensed as nursing home administrators will, during any periodthat they serve as such, comply with the requirements of such standards.
(5) Receive, investigate, and take appropriate action withrespect to any charge or complaint filed with the Board to the effect that anyindividual licensed as a nursing home administrator has failed to comply withthe requirements of such standards.
(6) Conduct a continuing study and investigation of nursinghomes and nursing home administrators within the State in order to makeimprovements in the standards imposed for the licensing of administrators andof procedures and methods for the enforcement of such standards, and to raisethe quality of nursing home administration in such other ways as may beeffective.
(7) Conduct, or cause to be conducted by contract or otherwise,one or more courses of instruction and training sufficient to meet therequirements of this Article, and make provisions for the conduct of suchcourses and their accessibility to residents of this State, unless it findsthat there are sufficient courses conducted by others within this State. Inlieu thereof the Board may approve courses conducted within and without thisState as sufficient to meet the education and training requirements of thisArticle.
(8) Make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, asmay be necessary for the proper performance of its duties, and to take suchother actions as may be necessary to enable the State to meet the requirementsset forth in section 1908 of the Social Security Act, the federal rules andregulations promulgated thereunder, and other pertinent federal authority.
(9) Receive and disburse any funds appropriated or given to theBoard, including any federal funds, to carry out the purposes of this Article.
(10) Maintain a register of all applications for licensing andregistration of nursing home administrators, which register shall show: theplace or residence, name and age of each applicant; the name and address ofemployer or business connection of each applicant; the date of application;information of educational and experience qualifications; the action taken bythe Board and the dates; the serial number of the license issued to theapplicant; and such other pertinent information as may be deemed necessary.
(11) Develop an administrator‑in‑training program toinsure that nursing home administrators have adequate training and experienceprior to licensure. (1969, c. 843, s.1; 1981, c. 722, ss. 10, 11; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1234, s. 3.)