§ 90‑285.1. Suspension,revocation or refusal to issue a license.
The Board may suspend, revoke,or refuse to issue a license or may reprimand or otherwise discipline alicensee after due notice and an opportunity to be heard at a formal hearing,upon substantial evidence that a licensee:
(1) Has violated theprovisions of this Article or the rules adopted by the Board;
(2) Has violated theprovisions of Part 2 of Article 6 of Chapter 131E of the General Statutes andrules promulgated thereunder;
(3) Has been convictedof, or has tendered and has had accepted a plea of no contest to, a criminaloffense showing professional unfitness;
(4) Has practiced fraud,deceit, or misrepresentation in securing or procuring a nursing homeadministrator license;
(5) Is incompetent toengage in the practice of nursing home administration or to act as a nursinghome administrator;
(6) Has practiced fraud,deceit, or misrepresentation in his capacity as a nursing home administrator;
(7) Has committed actsof misconduct in the operation of a nursing home under his jurisdiction;
(8) Is a habitualdrunkard;
(9) Is addicted ordependent upon the use of morphine, opium, cocaine, or other drugs recognizedas resulting in abnormal behavior;
(10) Has practiced withoutbeing registered biennially;
(11) Has transferred orsurrendered possession of, either temporarily or permanently, his license orcertificate to any other person;
(12) Has paid, given, hascaused to be paid or given or offered to pay or to give to any person acommission or other valuable consideration for the solicitation or procurement,either directly or indirectly, of nursing home patronage;
(13) Has been guilty offraudulent, misleading, or deceptive advertising;
(14) Has falselyimpersonated another licensee;
(15) Has failed toexercise regard for the safety, health or life of the patient;
(16) Has permittedunauthorized disclosure of information relating to a patient or his records; or
(17) Has discriminatedamong patients, employees, or staff on account of race, sex, religion, color,or national origin. (1981, c. 722, s. 12; 2001‑153, s. 3; 2008‑187, s. 41.)