§ 90‑295. Qualifications of applicants for permanent licensure.
(a) To be eligible forpermanent licensure by the Board as a speech and language pathologist, theapplicant must:
(1) Possess at least amaster's degree in speech and language pathology or qualifications deemedequivalent by the Board under rules duly adopted by the Board under thisArticle. The degree or equivalent qualifications shall be from an accreditedinstitution.
(2) Submit transcriptsfrom one or more accredited colleges or universities presenting evidence of thecompletion of 75 semester hours constituting a well‑integrated program ofcourse study dealing with the normal aspects of human communication,development thereof, disorders thereof, and clinical techniques for evaluationand management of such disorders.
a. Fifteen of these 75semester hours must be obtained in courses that provide information thatpertains to normal development and use of speech, language and hearing.
b. Thirty‑six ofthese 75 semester hours must be in courses that provide information relative tocommunication disorders and information about and training in evaluation andmanagement of speech, language, and hearing disorders. At least 24 of these 30semester hours must be in courses in speech and language pathology.
c. Credit for study ofinformation pertaining to related fields that augment the work of the clinicalpractitioner of speech and language pathology or audiology may also applytoward the total 75 semester hours.
d. Thirty‑six ofthe total 75 semester hours that are required for a license must be in coursesthat are acceptable toward a graduate degree by the college or university atwhich they are taken. Moreover, 21 of those semester hours must be in graduatelevel courses in speech and language pathology.
(3) Submit evidence ofthe completion of a minimum of 400 clock hours of supervised, direct clinicalexperience with individuals who present a variety of communication disorders.This experience must have been obtained within the training institution or inone of its cooperating programs in the following areas: (i) Speech Adult (20diagnostic and 20 therapeutic); Children (20 diagnostic and 20 therapeutic); or(ii) Language Adult (20 diagnostic and 20 therapeutic); Children (20diagnostic and 20 therapeutic). Each new applicant must submit a verifiedclinical clock hour summary sheet signed by the clinic or program director, inaddition to completion of the license application.
(4) Present writtenevidence of nine months of full‑time professional experience in whichbona fide clinical work has been accomplished in speech and language pathology.The professional work must have been supervised by a speech and languagepathologist who is State‑licensed or certified by the American Speech‑Language‑HearingAssociation. This experience must follow the completion of the requirementslisted in subdivisions (1), (2) and (3). Full time is defined as at least ninemonths in a calendar year and a minimum of 30 hours per week. Half time isdefined as at least 18 months in two calendar years and a minimum of 20 hoursper week. The supervision must be performed by a person who holds a validlicense under this Article, or certificate of clinical competence from theAmerican Speech‑Language‑Hearing Association, in speech andlanguage pathology.
(5) Pass an examinationestablished or approved by the Board.
(b) To be eligible forpermanent licensure by the Board as an audiologist, the applicant must:
(1) Possess a doctoraldegree in audiology or qualifications deemed equivalent by the Board underrules duly adopted by the Board under this Article. The degree or equivalentqualifications shall be from an accredited institution.
(2) Persons who wereengaged in the practice of audiology and do not possess a doctoral degree inaudiology before October 1, 2007, shall be exempt from the degree requirementin subdivision (1) of this subsection provided those persons remaincontinuously licensed in the field.
(3) Submit transcriptsfrom one or more accredited colleges or universities presenting evidence of thecompletion of 90 semester hours constituting a well‑integrated program ofcourse study dealing with the normal aspects of human communication, thedevelopment of human communication, the disorders associated with human communication,and the clinical techniques for evaluation and management of such disorders.
(4) Present writtenevidence documenting 1,800 clock hours of professional experience directlysupervised by an audiologist who is State‑licensed or certified by the AmericanSpeech‑Language‑Hearing Association or other Board‑approvedagency. The clock hours of professional experience must be with individuals whopresent a variety of communication and auditory disorders and must have beenobtained within the training program at an accredited college or university orin one of its cooperating programs.
(5) Pass an examinationestablished or approved by the Board. (1975, c. 773, s. 1; 1987, c. 665, s. 3; 2007‑436,s. 4; 2009‑138, s. 1.)