§ 90‑302. Prohibited acts and practices.
No person, partnership, corporation, or other entity may:
(1) Sell, barter, transfer or offer to sell or barter a license.
(2) Purchase or procure by barter a license with intent to useit as evidence of the holder's qualification to practice audiology or speechpathology.
(3) Alter a license.
(4) Use or attempt to use a valid license which has beenpurchased, fraudulently obtained, counterfeited or materially altered.
(5) Make a false, material statement in an application for aNorth Carolina license.
(6) Aid, assist, abet, or direct any person licensed under thisArticle in violation of the provisions of this Article. (1975, c. 773, s. 1; 1987, c. 665, s. 9.)