§ 90‑31. Annualrenewal of licenses.
The laws of North Carolina now in force, having provided for the annualrenewal of any license issued by the North Carolina State Board of DentalExaminers, it is hereby declared to be the policy of this State, that alllicenses heretofore issued by the North Carolina State Board of DentalExaminers or hereafter issued by said Board are subject to annual renewal andthe exercise of any privilege granted by any license heretofore issued orhereafter issued by the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners issubject to the issuance on or before the first day of January of each year of acertificate of renewal of license.
On or before the first day of January of each year, each dentistengaged in the practice of dentistry in North Carolina shall make applicationto the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners and receive from saidBoard, subject to the further provisions of this section and of this Article, acertificate of renewal of said license.
The application shall show the serial number of the applicant'slicense, his full name, address and the county in which he has practiced duringthe preceding year, the date of the original issuance of license to saidapplicant and such other information as the said Board from time to time mayprescribe, at least six months prior to January 1 of any year.
If the application for such renewal certificate, accompanied by the feerequired by this Article, is not received by the Board before January 31 ofeach year, an additional fee shall be charged for renewal certificate. Themaximum penalty fee for late renewal is set forth in G.S. 90‑39. If suchapplication, accompanied by the renewal fee, plus the additional fee, is notreceived by the Board before March 31 of each year, every person thereaftercontinuing to practice dentistry without having applied for a certificate ofrenewal shall be guilty of the unauthorized practice of dentistry and shall besubject to the penalties prescribed by G.S. 90‑40. (1935, c. 66, s. 8; 1953, c. 564, s. 5; 1961, c. 446,s. 6; 1971, c. 755, s. 5; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 584, s. 3.)