§ 90‑330. Definitions;practice of counseling.
(a) Definitions. Asused in this Article certain terms are defined as follows:
(1) Repealed by SessionLaws 1993, c. 514, s. 1.
(1a) The "Board"means the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors.
(2) A "licensedprofessional counselor" is a person engaged in the practice of counselingwho holds a license as a licensed professional counselor issued under theprovisions of this Article.
(2a) A "licensedprofessional counselor associate" is a person engaged in the supervisedpractice of counseling who holds a license as a licensed professional counselorassociate issued under the provisions of this Article.
(2b) A "licensedprofessional counselor supervisor" is a person engaged in the practice ofcounseling who holds a license as a licensed professional counselor and isapproved by the Board to provide clinical supervision under the provisions ofthis Article.
(3) The "practiceof counseling" means holding oneself out to the public as a professionalcounselor offering counseling services that include, but are not limited to,the following:
a. Counseling. Assistingindividuals, groups, and families through the counseling relationship byevaluating and treating mental disorders and other conditions through the useof a combination of clinical mental health and human development principles,methods, diagnostic procedures, treatment plans, and other psychotherapeutictechniques, to develop an understanding of personal problems, to define goals,and to plan action reflecting the client's interests, abilities, aptitudes, andmental health needs as these are related to personal‑social‑emotionalconcerns, educational progress, and occupations and careers.
b. AppraisalActivities. Administering and interpreting tests for assessment of personalcharacteristics.
c. Consulting. Interpretingscientific data and providing guidance and personnel services to individuals,groups, or organizations.
d. Referral Activities. Identifying problems requiring referral to other specialists.
e. Research Activities. Designing, conducting, and interpreting research with human subjects.
The"practice of counseling" does not include the facilitation ofcommunication, understanding, reconciliation, and settlement of conflicts bymediators at community mediation centers authorized by G.S. 7A‑38.5.
(4) A"supervisor" means any licensed professional counselor supervisor or,when one is inaccessible, a licensed professional counselor or an equivalentlyand actively licensed mental health professional, as determined by the Board,who meets the qualifications established by the Board.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 1993, c. 514, s. 1.
(c) Practice ofMarriage and Family Therapy, Psychology, or Social Work. No person licensedas a licensed professional counselor or licensed professional counselorassociate under the provisions of this Article shall be allowed to hold himselfor herself out to the public as a licensed marriage and family therapist,licensed practicing psychologist, psychological associate, or licensed clinicalsocial worker unless specifically authorized by other provisions of law. (1983, c. 755, s. 1; 1993,c. 514, s. 1; 1995, c. 157, s. 4; 1999‑354, s. 3; 2001‑487, s.40(j); 2009‑367, s. 1.)