§ 90‑339. Renewalof licenses.
(a) All licenses shall be effective upon the date of issuance bythe Board, and shall expire on the second June 30 thereafter.
(b) All licenses issued hereunder shall be renewed at the timesand in the manner provided by this section. At least 45 days prior toexpiration of each license, the Board shall mail a notice for license renewalto the person licensed for the current licensure period. At least 10 daysbefore the current license expires, the applicant must return the noticeproperly completed, together with a renewal fee established by the Board andevidence of continuing counselor education as approved by the Board, uponreceipt of which the Board shall issue to the person to be licensed the renewedlicense for the period stated on the license.
(c) Any person licensed who allows the license to lapse forfailure to apply for renewal within 45 days after notice shall be subject tothe late renewal fee. Failure to apply for renewal of a license within oneyear after the license's expiration date will require that a license bereissued only upon application as for an original license. (1983, c. 755, s. 1; 1993, c. 514, s. 1.)