§ 90‑352. Definitions.
As used in this Article, unless the context otherwise requires, theterm:
(1) "Board" means the North Carolina Board ofDietetics/Nutrition.
(2) "Dietetics/nutrition" means the integration andapplication of principles derived from the science of nutrition, biochemistry,physiology, food, and management and from behavioral and social sciences toachieve and maintain a healthy status. The primary function ofdietetic/nutrition practice is the provision of nutrition care services.
(3) "Licensed dietitian/nutritionist" means anindividual licensed in good standing to practice dietetics/nutrition.
(4) "Nutrition care services" means any, part or allof the following:
a. Assessing the nutritional needs of individuals and groups,and determining resources and constraints in the practice setting.
b. Establishing priorities, goals, and objectives that meetnutritional needs and are consistent with available resources and constraints.
c. Providing nutrition counseling in health and disease.
d. Developing, implementing, and managing nutrition caresystems.
e. Evaluating, making changes in, and maintaining appropriatestandards of quality in food and nutrition services.
"Nutrition care services" does not include theretail sale of food products or vitamins. (1991, c. 668, s. 1.)