§ 90‑356. Power and responsibility of Board.
The Board shall:
(1) Determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants forlicenses, renewal of licenses, and reciprocal licenses;
(2) Adopt rules necessary to conduct its business, carry out itsduties, and administer this Article;
(3) Adopt and publish a code of ethics;
(4) Deny, issue, suspend, revoke, and renew licenses inaccordance with this Article;
(5) Conduct investigations, subpoena individuals and records,and do all other things necessary and proper to discipline persons licensedunder this Article and to enforce this Article;
(6) Employ professional, clerical, investigative or specialpersonnel necessary to carry out the provisions of this Article, and purchaseor rent office space, equipment and supplies;
(7) Adopt a seal by which it shall authenticate its proceedings,official records, and licenses;
(8) Conduct administrative hearings in accordance with Article3A of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes when a "contested case" asdefined in G.S. 150B‑2(2) arises under this Article;
(9) Establish reasonable fees for applications for examination;initial, provisional, and renewal licenses; and other services provided by theBoard;
(10) Submit an annual report to the Governor and General Assemblyof all its official actions during the preceding year, together with anyrecommendations and findings regarding improvements of the practice ofdietetics/nutrition;
(11) Publish and make available upon request the licensurestandards prescribed under this Article and all rules adopted by the Board;
(12) Request and receive the assistance of State educationalinstitutions or other State agencies;
(13) Approve educational curricula, clinical practice andcontinuing education requirements for persons seeking licensure under thisArticle. (1991, c. 668, s. 1; 2001‑342,ss. 3, 4.)