§ 90‑383. Exemptions.
(a) Nothing in this Article shall be construed as limiting theministry, activities, or services of a minister called, elected, or otherwiseauthorized by a church, denomination, or faith group to perform the ordinaryduties or functions of the clergy.
(b) Nothing in this Article shall be construed as limiting theactivities, services, or use of a title to designate a training status of astudent, intern, or fellow preparing for the practice of pastoral care andcounseling under qualified supervision in an accredited educational institutionor service facility, provided that those activities and services constitute apart of the course of study.
(c) Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit orrestrict physicians, optometrists, or psychologists licensed to practice underthe laws of North Carolina; or to restrict qualified members of otherprofessional groups who render counseling and other helping services includingcounselors, social workers, and other similar professions; or to restrictqualified members of any other professional groups in the practice of theirrespective professions, provided they do not claim to the public by any titleor description stating or implying that they are certified fee‑basedpracticing pastoral counselors or certified fee‑based pastoral counselingassociates, or that they are certified to receive fees for the practice ofpastoral counseling.
(d) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, if a personexempt from the provisions of this Article becomes certified under thisArticle, he or she shall be required to comply with the requirements of thisArticle and rules adopted by the Board. (1991, c. 670.)