§ 90‑39. Fees.
In order to provide the means of carrying out and enforcing theprovisions of this Article and the duties devolving upon the North CarolinaState Board of Dental Examiners, it is authorized to charge and collect feesestablished by its rules not exceeding the following:
(1) Eachapplication for general dentistry license............................................. $1,200
(2) Each generaldentistry license renewal, which fee shall be annually fixed by the Board andnot later than November 30 of each year it shall give written notice of theamount of the renewal fee to each dentist licensed to practice in this State bymailing such notice to the last address of record with the Board of each suchdentist..................................................... 600.00
(2a) Penalty for late renewal of any license or permit............................................. 100.00
(3) Each provisional license................................................................................. 300.00
(4) Each intern permit or renewal thereof............................................................. 500.00
(5) Eachcertificate of license to a resident dentist desiring to change to anotherstate or territory 75.00
(6) Repealed by Session Laws 1995, (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 584, s.1.
(7) Each license toresume the practice issued to a dentist who has retired from and returned tothis State....................................................................................................... 500.00
(8) Each instructor's license or renewal thereof.................................................... 500.00
(9) With eachrenewal of a dentistry license, an annual fee to help fund special peer revieworganizations for impaired dentists.................................................................. 100.00
(10) Each duplicateof any license, permit, or certificate issued by the Board............ 75.00
(11) Each officeinspection for general anesthesia and parenteral sedation permits... 750.00
(12) Each generalanesthesia and parenteral sedation permit application or renewal of permit 100.00
(13) Each application for license by credentials................................................... 3,000.00
(14) Each application for limited volunteer dental license........................................ 200.00
(15) Each limited volunteer dental license annual renewal......................................... 50.00.
(1935, c. 66, s. 12; 1953, c. 564, s. 1; 1961, c. 446,s. 8; 1965, c. 163, s. 3; 1971, c. 755, s. 8; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1195, s. 12;1987, c. 555, s. 1; 1993, c. 420, s. 1; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 584, s. 1;2002‑37, s. 5; 2003‑348, s. 1; 2005‑366, s. 2.)