§ 90‑401.1. Directsolicitation prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for a health care provider or the provider'semployee or agent to initiate direct personal contact or telephone contact withany injured, diseased, or infirmed person, or with any other person residing inthe injured, diseased, or infirmed person's household, for a period of 90 daysfollowing the injury or the onset of the disease or infirmity, if the purposeof initiating the contact, in whole or in part, is to attempt to induce orpersuade the injured, diseased, or infirmed person to become a patient of thehealth care provider. This section shall not be construed to prohibit a healthcare provider's use of posted letters, brochures, or information packages tosolicit injured, diseased, or infirmed persons, so long as such use does notentail direct personal contact with the person. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 689, s. 3.)