Article 32.
Employee Assistance Professionals.
§ 90‑500. Definitions.
As used in this Article, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) "Board" means the Board of Employee AssistanceProfessionals.
(2) "Certified employee assistance professional" meansan employee assistance professional who is certified by the Employee AssistanceCertification Commission and who has the necessary professional qualificationsto provide the employee assistance program services listed in subdivision (2)of this section, which services can be worksite based and are designed toassist in the identification and resolution of productivity problems associatedwith employees impaired by personal concerns.
(3) "Consultation" means the act of giving expertadvice on the role of an employee assistance professional in assisting troubledemployees.
(4) "Employee Assistance Certification Commission"means the national body with the authority to certify employee assistanceprofessionals based on experience and the passing of a national examination.
(5) "Employee assistance professional" means a personwho provides the following services to the public in a program designed toassist in the identification and resolution of job performance problems in theworkplace:
a. Expert consultation and training of appropriate persons inthe identification and resolution of job performance issues related to theemployees' personal concerns.
b. The confidential, appropriate, and timely assessment ofproblems.
c. Short‑term problem resolution for issues that do notrequire clinical counseling or treatment.
d. Referrals for appropriate diagnosis, treatment, andassistance to certified or licensed professionals when clinical counseling ortreatment is required.
e. Establishment of linkages between workplace and communityresources that provide such services.
f. Follow‑up services for employees and dependents whouse such services. (1995 (Reg. Sess.,1996), c. 720, s. 1.)