Article 33.
Industrial Hygiene.
§ 90‑515. Definitions.
The following definitions apply in this Article:
(1) "American Board of Industrial Hygiene". Anonprofit corporation incorporated in 1960 in Pennsylvania to improve thepractice of the profession of Industrial Hygiene by certifying individuals whomeet its education and experience standards and who pass its examination.
(2) "Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)". A personwho has met the education, experience, and examination requirements establishedby the American Board of Industrial Hygiene for a Certified IndustrialHygienist (CIH).
(3) "Industrial Hygiene". The applied sciencedevoted to the anticipation, evaluation, and control of contaminants andstressors that may cause sickness, impaired health and well‑being, orsignificant discomfort and inefficiency among workers and the general public.
(4) "Industrial Hygienist". A person who, throughspecial studies and training in chemistry, physics, biology, and relatedsciences, has acquired competence in industrial hygiene. The special studiesand training must have been sufficient to confer competence in the: (i)anticipation and recognition of environmental contaminants and stressors towhich workers and other members of the public could be exposed in industrialoperations, office buildings, homes, and the general community; (ii) assessmentof the likely effects on the health and well‑being of individuals exposedto these contaminants and stressors; (iii) quantification of levels of humanexposure to these contaminants and stressors through scientific measurementtechniques; and (iv) designation of methods to eliminate or to control thesecontaminants and stressors, or to reduce the level of human exposure to them.
(5) "Industrial Hygienist in Training (IHIT)". Aperson who has met the education, experience, and examination requirementsestablished by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene for an IndustrialHygienist in Training (IHIT). (1997‑195, s. 1.)