§ 90‑630.1. Licensureby endorsement.
(a) The Board may issuea license to a practitioner who is duly licensed, certified, or registered as amassage and bodywork therapist under the laws of another jurisdiction. Thepractitioner shall be eligible for licensure by endorsement if all of thefollowing qualifications are met:
(1) The applicant meetsthe requirements of G.S. 90‑629(1), (2), (3), and (6) and submits therequired application and fees to the Board.
(2) The applicantcurrently holds a valid license, certificate, or registration as a massage andbodywork therapist in another jurisdiction, and that jurisdiction'srequirements for licensure, certification, or registration as a massage andbodywork therapist are substantially equivalent to or exceed the requirementsfor licensure under this Article.
(3) The applicant iscurrently a practitioner in good standing, with no disciplinary proceeding orunresolved complaint pending in any jurisdiction at the time a license is to beissued in this State.
(4) The applicant passesa jurisprudence examination administered by the Board regarding laws and rulesadopted by the Board for licensure under this Article.
(5) The applicant,including applicants credentialed in a foreign country, demonstratessatisfactory proof of proficiency in the English language.
(b) The Board may issuea license by endorsement to a practitioner from another state that does notlicense, certify, or register massage and bodywork therapists if all of thefollowing qualifications are met:
(1) The applicant meetsthe requirements of G.S. 90‑629(1), (2), (3), and (6) and submits therequired application and fees to the Board.
(2) The applicant haspassed a competency assessment examination that meets generally acceptedpsychometric principles and standards and is approved by the Board.
(3) The applicant hasgraduated from a massage and bodywork therapy school that: (i) offers acurriculum that meets or is substantially equivalent to the standards set forthin the Board's criteria for school approval; and (ii) is licensed or approvedby the regulatory authority for schools of massage and bodywork therapy in thestate, province, territory, or country in which it operates or is exempt bylaw.
(4) The applicant iscurrently a practitioner in good standing, with no disciplinary proceeding orunresolved complaint pending in any jurisdiction at the time a license is to beissued in this State.
(5) The applicant passesa jurisprudence examination administered by the Board regarding laws and rulesadopted by the Board for licensure under this Article.
(6) The applicant,including an applicant credentialed in a foreign country, demonstratessatisfactory proof of proficiency in the English language.
(7) Notwithstanding therequirements of subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection, the applicant hasother credentials, to be reviewed by the Board on a case‑by‑casebasis, that are deemed by the Board to be substantially equivalent to therequirements in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection.
(c) The Board shallmaintain a list of jurisdictions whose regulatory standards for the practice ofmassage and bodywork therapy have been determined by the Board to besubstantially equivalent to or to exceed the requirements for licensure underthis Article. (2008‑224,s. 12.)