§ 90‑658. Licenseas property of the Board; display requirement; renewal; inactive status.
(a) A license issued by the Board is the property of the Boardand shall be surrendered by the licensee to the Board on demand.
(b) The licensee shall display the license in the mannerprescribed by the Board.
(c) The licensee shall inform the Board of any change of thelicensee's address.
(d) The license shall be renewed by the Board annually upon thepayment of a renewal fee if, at the time of application for renewal, theapplicant is not in violation of this Article and has fulfilled the currentrequirements regarding continuing education as established by rules adoptedpursuant to this Article.
(e) The Board shall notify a licensee at least 30 days inadvance of the expiration of his or her license. Each licensee is responsiblefor renewing his or her license before the expiration date. Licenses that arenot renewed automatically lapse.
(f) The Board may provide for the late renewal of anautomatically lapsed license upon the payment of a late fee. No late feerenewal may be granted more than five years after a license expires.
(g) In accordance with rules adopted pursuant to this Article, alicensee may request that his or her license be declared inactive and may thereafterapply for active status. (2000‑162, s. 1.)