§ 90‑722. Practice ofpolysomnography.
(a) Practice. The"practice of polysomnography" means the performance of any of thefollowing tasks:
(1) Monitoring andrecording physiological data during the evaluation of sleep‑relateddisorders, including sleep‑related respiratory disturbances, by applyingthe following techniques, equipment, or procedures:
a. Positive airwaypressure (PAP) devices, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), andbilevel and other approved devices, providing forms of pressure support used totreat sleep disordered breathing on patients using a mask or oral appliance;provided, the mask or oral appliance does not attach to an artificial airway orextend into the trachea.
b. Supplemental lowflow oxygen therapy, up to eight liters per minute, utilizing nasal cannula oradministered with continuous or bilevel positive airway pressure during apolysomnogram.
c. Capnography during apolysomnogram.
d. Cardiopulmonaryresuscitation.
e. Pulse oximetry.
f. Gastroesophageal pHmonitoring.
g. Esophageal pressuremonitoring.
h. Sleep staging,including surface electroencephalography, surface electrooculagraphy, andsurface submental or masseter electromyography.
i. Surfaceelectromyography.
j. Electrocardiography.
k. Respiratory effortmonitoring, including thoracic and abdominal movement.
l. Plethysmographyblood flow monitoring.
m. Snore monitoring.
n. Audio and videomonitoring.
o. Body movement.
p. Nocturnal peniletumescence monitoring.
q. Nasal and oralairflow monitoring.
r. Body temperaturemonitoring.
s. Actigraphy.
(2) Observing andmonitoring physical signs and symptoms, general behavior, and general physicalresponse to polysomnographic evaluation and determining whether initiation,modification, or discontinuation of a treatment regimen is warranted based onprotocol and physician's order.
(3) Analyzing andscoring data collected during the monitoring described in subdivisions (1) and(2) of this subsection for the purpose of assisting a licensed physician in thediagnosis and treatment of sleep and wake disorders.
(4) Implementing awritten or verbal order from a licensed physician that requires the practice ofpolysomnography.
(5) Educating a patientregarding polysomnography and sleep disorders.
(b) Limitations. Thepractice of polysomnography shall be performed under the general supervision ofa licensed physician. The practice of polysomnography shall take place in ahospital, a stand‑alone sleep laboratory or sleep center, or a patient'shome. However, the scoring of data and education of patients may take place insettings other than a hospital, stand‑alone sleep laboratory or sleepcenter, or patient's home. (2009‑434, s. 1.)