§ 90‑85.12. Executive Director to makeinvestigations and prosecute.
(a) Upon receiving information concerning a violation of thisArticle that is a threat to the public safety, health, or welfare, theExecutive Director shall promptly conduct an investigation, and if he findsevidence of the violation, he may file a complaint and prosecute the offenderin a Board hearing. If the Executive Director receives information concerning aviolation of this Article that does not pose a threat to the public safety,health, or welfare, the Executive Director may conduct an investigation, and ifhe finds evidence of the violation, he may file a complaint and prosecute theoffender in a Board hearing.
(b) In all prosecutions of unlicensed persons for the violationof any of the provisions of this Article, a certificate signed under oath bythe Executive Director shall be competent and admissible evidence in any courtof this State that the person is not licensed, as required by law. (1905, c. 108, s. 11; Rev., s. 4477; C.S., s. 6656; 1923, c. 74, s. 1;1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1188, s. 1; 2005‑402, s. 1.2.)