§ 90‑85.15. Application and examination forlicensure as a pharmacist; prerequisites.
(a) Any person who desires to be licensed as a pharmacist shallfile an application with the Executive Director on the form furnished by theBoard, verified under oath, setting forth the applicant's name, age, the placeat which and the time that he has spent in the study of pharmacy, and hisexperience in compounding and dispensing prescriptions under the supervision ofa pharmacist. The applicant shall also appear at a time and place designated bythe Board and submit to an examination as to his qualifications for beinglicensed. The applicant must demonstrate to the Board his physical and mentalcompetency to practice pharmacy.
(b) On or after July 1, 1982, all applicants shall have receivedan undergraduate degree from a school of pharmacy approved by the Board.Applicants shall be required to have had up to one year of experience, approvedby the Board, under the supervision of a pharmacist and shall pass the requiredexamination offered by the Board. Upon completing these requirements and uponpaying the required fee, the applicant shall be licensed.
(c) The Department of Justice may provide a criminal recordcheck to the Board for a person who has applied for a license through theBoard. The Board shall provide to the Department of Justice, along with therequest, the fingerprints of the applicant, any additional information requiredby the Department of Justice, and a form signed by the applicant consenting tothe check of the criminal record and to the use of the fingerprints and otheridentifying information required by the State or national repositories. Theapplicant's fingerprints shall be forwarded to the State Bureau ofInvestigation for a search of the State's criminal history record file, and theState Bureau of Investigation shall forward a set of the fingerprints to theFederal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history check. TheBoard shall keep all information pursuant to this subsection privileged, inaccordance with applicable State law and federal guidelines, and theinformation shall be confidential and shall not be a public record underChapter 132 of the General Statutes.
The Department of Justice may charge each applicant a fee for conductingthe checks of criminal history records authorized by this subsection. (1905, c. 108, s. 13; Rev., ss. 4479, 4480; 1915, c. 165; C.S., s.6658; 1921, c. 52; 1933, c. 206, ss. 1, 2; 1935, c. 181; 1937, c. 94; 1971, c.481; 1981, c. 717, s. 4; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1188, s. 1; 1983, c. 196,s. 5; 2002‑147, s. 8.)