§ 90‑85.25. Disasters and emergencies.
(a) In the event of an occurrence which the Governor of theState of North Carolina has declared a disaster or when the Governor hasdeclared a state of emergency, or in the event of an occurrence for which acounty or municipality has enacted an ordinance to deal with states ofemergency under G.S. 14‑288.12, 14‑288.13, or 14‑288.14, orto protect the public health, safety, or welfare of its citizens under G.S.160A‑174(a) or G.S. 153A‑121(a), as applicable, the Board may waivethe requirements of this Article in order to permit the provision of drugs,devices, and professional services to the public.
(b) The pharmacist in charge of a pharmacy shall report within10 days to the Board any disaster, accident, theft, or emergency which mayaffect the strength, purity, or labeling of drugs and devices in the pharmacy. (1981 Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1188, s. 1; 1998‑212, s. 12.3B(a).)