§ 90‑85.46. Definitions.
The following definitionsshall apply in this Article:
(1) Board. The NorthCarolina Board of Pharmacy.
(2) Pharmacy qualityassurance program. A program pertaining to one of the following:
a. A pharmacyassociation created under G.S. 90‑85.4 or incorporated under Chapter 55Aof the General Statutes that evaluates the quality of pharmacy services andalleged medication errors and incidents and makes recommendations to improvethe quality of pharmacy services.
b. A program establishedby a person or entity holding a valid pharmacy permit pursuant to G.S. 90‑85.21or G.S. 90‑85.21A to evaluate the quality of pharmacy services andalleged medication errors and incidents and make recommendations to improve thequality of pharmacy services.
c. A quality assurancecommittee or medical or peer review committee established by a health careprovider licensed under this Chapter or a health care facility licensed underChapter 122C, 131D, or 131E of the General Statutes that includes evaluation ofthe quality of pharmacy services and alleged medication errors and incidentsand makes recommendations to improve the quality of pharmacy services. (2005‑427, s. 3; 2006‑259,s. 16(a).)