§ 90‑85.6. Boardof Pharmacy; creation; membership; qualification of members.
(a) Creation. The responsibility for enforcing the provisionsof this Article and the laws pertaining to the distribution and use of drugs isvested in the Board. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules for the performanceof its duties. The Board shall have all of the duties, powers and authoritiesspecifically granted by and necessary for the enforcement of this Article, aswell as any other duties, powers and authorities that may be granted from timeto time by other appropriate statutes. The Board may establish a program forthe purpose of aiding in the recovery and rehabilitation of pharmacists whohave become addicted to controlled substances or alcohol, and the Board may usemoney collected as fees to fund such a program.
(b) Membership. The Board shall consist of six members, one ofwhom shall be a representative of the public, and the remainder of whom shallbe pharmacists.
(c) Qualifications. The public member of the Board shall notbe a health care provider or the spouse of a health care provider. He shall notbe enrolled in a program to prepare him to be a health care provider. Thepublic member of the Board shall be a resident of this State at the time of hisappointment and while serving as a Board member. The pharmacist members of theBoard shall be residents of this State at the time of their appointment andwhile serving as Board members. (1905, c. 108, ss. 5‑7, 9; Rev., ss. 4473, 4475; 1907, c. 113, s.1; C.S., ss. 6652, 6654; 1945, c. 572, s. 1; 1981, c. 717, s. 1; 1981 (Reg.Sess., 1982), c. 1188, s. 1; 1997‑177, s. 1.)