§ 90‑8.2. Appointmentof subcommittees.
(a) The North CarolinaMedical Board shall appoint and maintain a subcommittee to work jointly with asubcommittee of the Board of Nursing to develop rules to govern the performanceof medical acts by registered nurses, including the determination of reasonablefees to accompany an application for approval not to exceed one hundred dollars($100.00) and for renewal of approval not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).Rules developed by this subcommittee from time to time shall govern theperformance of medical acts by registered nurses and shall become effectivewhen adopted by both the North Carolina Medical Board and the Board of Nursing.The North Carolina Medical Board shall have responsibility for securing compliancewith these rules.
(b) The North CarolinaMedical Board shall appoint and maintain a subcommittee of four licensedphysicians to work jointly with a subcommittee of the North Carolina Board ofPharmacy to develop rules to govern the performance of medical acts by clinicalpharmacist practitioners, including the determination of reasonable fees toaccompany an application for approval not to exceed one hundred dollars($100.00) and for renewal of approval not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).Rules recommended by the subcommittee shall be adopted in accordance withChapter 150B of the General Statutes by both the North Carolina Medical Boardand the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy and shall not become effective untiladopted by both Boards. The North Carolina Medical Board shall haveresponsibility for ensuring compliance with these rules. (C.S., s. 6610; 1921, c. 47,s. 5; Ex. Sess. 1921, c. 44, s. 2; 1973, c. 92, s. 2; 1981, c. 665, s. 1; 1983,c. 53; 1995, c. 94, s. 9; c. 405, s. 2; 1999‑290, s. 1; 2007‑346,s. 7; 2007‑418, s. 3.)