§90A‑47.2. Certified operator in charge required; qualifications forcertification.
(a) No owner or otherperson in control of an animal operation having an animal waste managementsystem shall allow the system to be operated by a person who does not hold avalid certificate as an operator in charge of an animal waste management systemissued by the Commission. No person shall perform the duties of an operator incharge of an animal waste management system without being certified under theprovisions of this Part. Other persons may assist in the operation of an animalwaste management system so long as they are directly supervised by an operatorin charge who is certified under this Part.
(b) The owner or otherperson in control of an animal operation may contract with a certified animalwaste management system operator in charge to provide for the operation of theanimal waste management system at that animal operation. The Commission mayadopt rules requiring that any certified animal waste management systemoperator in charge who contracts with one or more owners or other persons incontrol of an animal operation file an annual report with the Commission as tothe operation of each system at which the services of the operator in chargeare provided. (1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 626, s. 6(b).)