§ 90C‑22. Definitions.
In this Chapter, unless thecontext otherwise requires, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Board. The NorthCarolina Board of Recreational Therapy Licensure.
(2) Licensedrecreational therapist. A person who holds a license pursuant to this Chapteras a recreational therapist. A person licensed as a "RecreationalTherapist" under this Chapter may practice in clinical, residential,educational, and community settings and may:
a. Conduct anindividualized patient or client assessment for the purpose of collectingsystematic, comprehensive, and accurate data necessary to determine a course ofaction and subsequent individualized treatment plan.
b. Plan and develop theindividualized treatment plan that identifies a patient or client's goals,objectives, and treatment intervention strategies.
c. Implement theindividualized treatment plan that is consistent with the overall patient orclient treatment program.
d. Systematicallyevaluate and compare the patient or client's response to the individualizedtreatment plan and suggest modifications as appropriate.
e. Develop a dischargeplan in collaboration with the patient or client, his or her family, and othertreatment team members.
f. Serve as a resourcefor patient or client recreation opportunities to promote or improve his or hergeneral health and well‑being.
g. Deliver services inaccordance with the professional standards of practice and codes of ethicspromulgated by national or State professional organizations.
h. Manage delivery ofservices in accordance with a written plan of operation based upon standardsadvanced by appropriate membership, regulatory, and credentialing agencies.
i. Provideprofessional and preprofessional education and training of recreationaltherapists or recreational therapy assistants.
j. Conduct research inthe field of recreational therapy or therapeutic recreation.
(3) Licensedrecreational therapy assistant. A person who holds a license pursuant to thisChapter as a recreational therapy assistant to act under the supervision of alicensed recreational therapist as defined by rule. A person licensed as a"Recreational Therapy Assistant" under this Chapter may assist in thepractice of recreational therapy in clinical, residential, and community settingsunder the supervision of a licensed recreational therapist and in accordancewith a recreational therapy assistant's training, education, and scope ofpractice, as defined by rule.
(4) Person. Anyindividual, corporation, partnership, association, unit of government, or otherlegal entity.
(5) Recreationaltherapy. A treatment service designed to restore, remediate, or rehabilitatea patient or client's level of functioning and independence in life activities,as well as reduce or eliminate the activity limitations and restrictions toparticipation in life situations caused by an illness or disabling condition.
(6) Recreational therapyaide. Any nonlicensed person who aids in the provision of recreationaltherapy services under the provisions of this Chapter, and who acts under thedirection and on‑site supervision of a licensed recreational therapist orlicensed recreational therapy assistant. A recreational therapy aide mayperform recreational therapy related duties and functions which are assignedand are commensurate with an aide's training and competency. An aide's workshall not include responding to a physician's orders; designing, conducting, orinterpreting individualized recreational therapy patient assessment;determining or modifying recreational therapy treatment plans or interventions;or any independent practice or performance of recreational therapy services.
(7) Scope ofrecreational therapy. The practice of recreational therapy includes alldirect patient or client services of assessment, planning, design,implementation, evaluation, and documentation of specific interventions,management, consultation, research, and education for either individuals orgroups that require specific therapeutic recreation or recreational therapyintervention representing the process and knowledge base delineated in the mostrecent National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) JobAnalysis Study and professional standards of practice. Scope is inclusive ofprofessional and preprofessional education and training in recreationaltherapy, therapeutic recreation, and related research.
(8) Therapeuticrecreation. The provision of treatment services and the provision ofrecreation services to persons with illnesses or disabling conditions. Theprimary purposes of treatment services, which are often referred to asrecreational therapy, are to restore, remediate, or rehabilitate in order toimprove functioning and independence as well as reduce or eliminate the effectsof illness or disability. The primary purposes of recreation services are toprovide recreation resources and opportunities in order to improve health andwell‑being. Therapeutic recreation is provided by professionals who aretrained and certified, registered, or licensed to provided therapeuticrecreation. (2005‑378,s. 2.)