§ 90C‑24. Powers of theBoard.
(a) The Board shallhave the following general powers and duties:
(1) To administer thisChapter.
(2) To issueinterpretations of this Chapter.
(3) To adopt, amend, orrepeal rules and regulations in the manner prescribed by Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of thisChapter.
(4) To establishqualifications of, employ, and set the compensation of the Executive Directorwho shall not be a member of the Board.
(5) To employ and fixthe compensation of the personnel that the Board determines are necessary tocarry out the provisions of this Chapter and to incur other expenses necessaryto effectuate this Chapter.
(6) To determine thequalifications of persons who are licensed pursuant to this Chapter.
(7) To issue, renew,deny, suspend, or revoke licenses and carry out any of the other actionsauthorized by this Chapter.
(8) To conductinvestigations for the purpose of determining whether violations of thisChapter are grounds for revoking, denying, suspending, or refusing to renew thelicenses of persons licensed pursuant to this Chapter.
(9) To maintain a recordof all proceedings and make available to persons who hold a license and otherconcerned parties an annual report of all Board action.
(10) To set fees forlicensure, license renewal, and other services deemed necessary to carry outthe purpose of this Chapter.
(11) To adopt a sealcontaining the name of the Board to be used on licenses and official reports itissues.
(12) To issue annually alist stating the names of persons currently licensed under the privilege ofthis Chapter.
(13) To establish orapprove, as defined by rule, reasonable competency requirements for licensure,including the power to adopt or use examination materials, study or trainingcourses, and standards of recognized accrediting and credentialing agencies andprofessional associations and the power to establish or approve, as defined byrule, reasonable standards for renewal of licensure, including requirements forcontinuing recreational therapy or therapeutic recreation education.
(b) The powers andduties enumerated above are granted for the purpose of enabling the Board toprotect the public from misrepresentation of licensure status as provided in thisChapter and shall be liberally construed to accomplish this objective. (2005‑378, s. 2.)