§ 90C‑27. Requirementsfor licensure.
(a) The Board shalllicense any person as a "Licensed Recreational Therapist" who meetsthe following education, credential, and experience requirements:
(1) Passage of anappropriate examination as a therapeutic recreation specialist or arecreational therapist by the North Carolina Recreational Therapy LicensureBoard or current certification as a "Certified Therapeutic RecreationSpecialist" by the National Council for Therapeutic RecreationCertification.
(2) A minimum level ofeducation or experience, as defined by rules of the Board, inclusive ofpractice competency standards or guidelines promulgated by professionalassociations and credentialing and accrediting organizations.
(3) For purposes of thissubsection, an academic major or specialization shall be defined by rules ofthe Board and shall be inclusive of information gathered through surveys ofeducational institutions in the State having a bachelors or masters degree witha specialization in recreational therapy or therapeutic recreation.
(b) The Board shalllicense any person as a "Licensed Recreational Therapy Assistant" whomeets the following education and experience requirements:
(1) A minimum level ofeducation or experience, as defined by rules of the Board, inclusive ofpractice competency standards or guidelines promulgated by professionalassociations and credentialing and accrediting organizations as deemedappropriate by the Board.
(2) For purposes of thissection, an academic major or specialization shall be defined by rules of theBoard and shall be inclusive of information gathered through surveys ofeducational institutions in the State having associate degree curricula inrecreational therapy or therapeutic recreation. (2005‑378, s. 2.)